The Kitchen Notebook

It has given me some thought, adding recipes and other kitchen stuff as a whole to the blog. I do want to share recipes, but my interest for gastronomy and being in the kitchen is more than just recipes, and I need a category covering more than that. Having a general “notebook” for all things kitchen/foodie related may seem a whole lot more easy, so here goes nothing!

To start on, I have collected what I have already posted online. I have separated it into three groups so far, giving them each their subpage: recipes, gear, and the kitchen diary.

The matching blog category is called Kitchen. I also have a board on Pinterest called Food where I curate recipes, nice-to-knows, and other foodie stuff.

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Cold Blooded
(Clicking on the Cold Blooded image above will bring you to Amazon; buying anything while there won’t cost you anything extra, but will give me a li’l something to sustain my blogging.)

Nulpunkt af Thomas Enger og Jørn Lier Horst - forside
(Danish translation)