How I can’t lose

Today, Denmark's national women's soccer team is headed to the Netherlands for the final in the European Championships.

I can't lose this one.

One thing is the question of equality. Soccer is the national sport in Denmark, just like you see in other European countries, only closely followed by handball. This is the first time that women's soccer has taken up so much space in the media (in handball, it's usually the women's team, Håndboldpigerne – 'the handball girls' – who get the attention). But this is just a bonus this time around.

The reason why I can't lose this match is because it's Denmark vs. the Netherlands.

Back in 2009/2010, I studied Dutch for two semesters at the University of Copenhagen. While it (and the rest of my academic career) didn't work out, I had chosen the subject due to my family background, and I was quickly included as a Dutchman by two of my fellow students who happened to be Dutchmen themselves.

I'm still a Dane, born and bred, citizen and resident. But with this family history and inclusion, I can't lose when Denmark and the Netherlands play each other, and I will still have a team to cheer for no matter who wins.

[UPDATE: the Netherlands won 4-2. Go Oranje!]

Posted in Culture, Studies & Classes

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Nulpunkt af Thomas Enger og Jørn Lier Horst - forside
(Danish translation)