“Sherlock – His Last Vow” (Sherlock, S03E03)

I just wanted to pop in to comment on the season finale of the third season of BBC’s series “Sherlock”; it aired on Danish television tonight. It will be a quick comment as it’s getting late, and all things considered, I don’t want to give away too many spoilers at the moment.

Tonight’s episode presented Danish actor Lars Mikkelsen as the bad guy: Charles Augustus Magnussen. Based on the accent (eg. pronouncing the last name with the open A and the soft G) and what was said about Magnussen in the episode (eg. him being a foreigner), I’m assuming that the character is also a Dane. This is just speculation, though, and that just being for my own pleasure.

As a whole, I think I may be slightly disappointed in the episode. This usually happens when the central point isn’t the mystery, but the characters. By all means, I’m all for character development, getting to know the characters, and keeping the excitement in the series through that. But it disturbed me a bit that things with Magnussen ended the way they did; there seemed to have been put too much work into it — from all parties — to end the case like that. Given that it is the first time that I have seen the complete series so far throughout October, November, and January, the characters have been developing very fast in front of my eyes, it occasionally seems like it has gone too fast to believe, which might also explain my reluctance to believe what has been happening on the screen tonight.

One thing that I was happy about was the ending; exciting enough to have me looking forward to the next season, but not intense enough to leave me hanging with the sense of unfinished business (unlike what was between the second and third seasons).

I wouldn’t be surprised if Magnussen returns (although if I missed something, do feel free to enlighten me). I don’t know if I expect it, but I wouldn’t be surprised.

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Posted in Culture, Sherlock

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(Danish translation)